Blind Baker

Tyler and I have had a love for finding fun and spontaneous ways to connect with each since our very first date. This date is all about spending time together with a date night in the house.
Our very first date was at a hot air balloon festival in North Carolina that we decided to go to at the last minute. We had so much fun walking around the beautiful grounds in awe of the beauty of the balloons floating effortlessly over the blue ridge mountains.
When we had our very first baby 3 years ago finding time to intentionally love and connect with each other seemed to take a little more planning but was more important than ever because our lives were busier than they had ever been. To tell you the truth it has never slowed down but we have definitely gotten better at prioritizing our time between our business, our jobs, and our family to take time to show each other how much we appreciate each other.
We love photography because it allows us to serve kind and joyful people and capture memories that they can share for generations to come. Our calling is to love and serve people well, and to impact and strengthen marriages.
This is the first date of our new Friday Date Night series! Every Friday you will be able to find a new date that will help you connect, laugh, and love each other in different ways. We have a lot of fun with these dates and we’re so excited to share our hearts with you through this, so we want to hear your experiences when you do them too!
This date is really fun, just be prepared for belly aching laughs and a messy kitchen!
First you need to decide on what your favorite dessert is. We have baked a few different things on this date, brownies, Oreo cake, lava cake, just choose something that you like and gather your supplies!
Here’s the rules:
One person will be blind folded. The blind folded person is the hands and they are the one who puts everything together.
The other person is the eyes only. They give very specific information to try to help the hands get everything mixed together and ready to bake!
To decide who will be which role is totally up to you! You can flip a coin, draw straws, use a picking app, or just Rock Paper Scissors this thing!
A note from Kelsey: I want you to know that somehow every single time we have done this date I have ended up being the hands which is funny because normally Tyler cooks every meal for us (I do not have his amazing cooking skills)!! Something we started doing the first time we ever did this was setting the phone up somewhere to video tape so that I could see how funny it was when I miss the bowl or spill something all over the counter and Tyler is dying laughing! We also always love to play our favorite playlist during this date! When my song comes on I get so excited which has led to some spills or Tyler will swoop in for blind folded dancing to our wedding song and it’s always romantic. There is just something so connecting about this date communicating, dancing and laughing with each other that makes it one of my favorites.
A note from Tyler: This date is extremely simple yet super effective. The endless laughs and blindfolded kisses are by far the best part. Whenever we do this date, I like to joke around of how it reminds me of the movie Ratatouille. Of course, I’m Remy and she’s Linguini the “chef”. I’m the one that has the vision but she’s the one making it a reality. Being her eyes through the date makes it super easy to get as many blind folded kisses as I want and allows for lots of opportunities to shove whip cream in her face. No matter how many times we do this date the result is the same. The laughs and small romantic moments grow our love for one another. The food at the end, well most of the time it’s not terrible; It may contain some added countertop seasonings, a touch of dirt here or there from Kelsey’s blind air ball butter trick shots or be completely missing some spices all together but in the end it’s the time that matters not how well we can bake a cake.
The most important thing is to have fun and to not let your blind folded partner put anything in the oven! Burns are not fun!! Even if we make a cake that’s barely mixed and tastes terrible (we always have ice cream as a back up) it’s all about having fun doing it together. This is a really easy one for us to do in any house we move to after the kids go to bed.
Get your play list ready, pick your favorite dessert and get baking! When you bake something tag us so we can see what you made and share the moment with you! Go to our instagram to see a short video of our latest blind baker fun!
Next Friday we will have another special date for you to try!
But here’s a few photos of what we made. Scroll to the bottom to see us in action making our Oreo cake!

I love this so so much! Looking forward to following along and trying all your creative ideas for date nights in! Thank you for this!!!