I don’t know about y’all but when it comes to cooking, I just did not get that gene. Luckily Tyler comes from a family of wonderful cooks so he does all the heavy lifting in the kitchen. Which is really good for when we want to have a romantic dinner date night in after an early bed time for the kiddos.
I tried to surprise Tyler once by cooking some ranch chicken in the crock pot (sounds easy right) and it was so burnt that we thought about tossing the entire crock pot! (This was honestly not my first burned up crock pot bowl!)
Now, if you want some cupcakes or cookies I will come (and eat half of the dough) and decorate those things like a DIY pro with you, but when it comes to cooking… I am just not your girl.
You can make this date as spontaneous or as pre planned out as you like! We love to each pick out a few recipies and either flip a coin or put them in a spinner app to make it a surprise! You can even open your favorite cook book to a random page and what ever recipe you flip to is the one you will be making together! Or you can surprise your hunny by having it all set up and ready when they get home. Either way it will be a fun night together.
Pro tip: If your dessert stores well, save time and make it the day before!
Tyler loves to surprise me with fresh flowers because he knows that it makes me so happy to have them around the house so that is always a sweet romantic touch to add to your candle lit dinner night!
Tip: you can buy 100 tea lights at target for around $6 so its a very budget friendly way to make the house feel inviting and intimate!
If you’re like me and you’re not the best cook there are some super easy one pot meals on Pinterest (honestly I haven’t done them myself but Ty will make them if we’re in a rush, and I feel like I could do it… maybe)
While we’re doing this we love to unplug so that we can be completely focused and in the moment! This lets us play some of our favorite “games”.
The first one we love to do is sort of the questions quiz. Sometimes we find things that one of us never even knew about each other and it’s such a fun way to reminisce on memories of our childhood.
For example when we first started doing this we would ask easy questions like what sports did I used to do? Ty did baseball and I did cheerleading and Track. But then we would go deeper into that question. Next Tyler might say what was my favorite thing about baseball, I wouldn’t know but I could guess which could make for some laughs between us for my off the wall answer. Then I would learn something personal about Ty like when he told me even though he had lots of fun with baseball he loved it because he felt like anything he wanted to do in life was possible when he was out there with his team.
A note from Kelsey: It’s little moments like that make our night so sweet and fun. I always set out lots and lots of tea lights to give the room a really warm and romantic feel, plus I just love candles! We always end up having some really unexpected conversations that are either so funny (like when I end up sharing some embarrassing stories and we end up dying laughing wondering what kinds of things Peyton and Weston will do when they get older) or really sweet and heart felt. Either way it’s really important to us to get that time to be intentional (especially in such crazy and busy times) and just have time to talk together.
A note from Tyler: An easy way to make Kels happy and earn brownie points, for me, is to bring home flowers; Not just on date night but also on a random day during the week. Whatever your significant others simple yet meaningful task is, do it on the regular. As Kels mentioned, it’s not about the quality of the meal that makes this date worth it, its about the time spent with each other. Truth be told not all of my meals are as good as I want them to be. If and when it happens and you burn the meal, trust me you will, don’t get mad; Throw it away, laugh about it, and head to the nearest fast food place for a quick replacement. It’s true what they say: Laughter is the best medicine and Chipotle is always good!
All that’s left to do is light the candles, turn on some tunes, enjoy your meal (have dessert on stand by incase you accidentally pull a burnt ranch chicken in the crockpot and just remember it’s not about what you cook its about the time you get together) and bask in each others company. A romantic night at home that turns into wine and laughing together arguing over your favorite Nickelback song on the couch beats a restaurant any time!
Click here to see a fun way to have dessert at home to continue the romance!
We add new and date nights for you every Friday! See last weeks here! If you know anyone who would like to do this date with their favorite person, send it over to them! We love sharing in your fun when you are doing these fun dates so be sure to tag us on instagram!

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