Having two babies ourselves, we know that photos of our kids are so important but they are not always easy to get. Kids grow and change in the blink of an eye. I swear just two minutes ago Peyton wasn’t even one yet, crawling around throwing all of the clothes out of my laundry baskets and now she is learning letters and numbers and I just don’t know when she grew up on us. We both have lots of experience with kids of all ages, so we’re here to give you a fun and stress free experience. Here’s some things you can do before your session to help have a great photo session.
When preparing for your session we think it is always really important to talk to your kids, even the young ones, and tell them that the photos are important to you. We have found that it really helps kids to feel grown up when you just ask them to be on their best behavior because it’s very important to you to get some photos as a family. A lot of older siblings will take it on like a mission to be outstanding.
For our babies and toddlers, we like to have something at the session that they really love to help them look at the camera. If someone is coming with you to help, it’s usually much more helpful if it’s only one person so they don’t get confused about where they should be looking.
Choose a treat that they can earn for being good at the session. Maybe an ice cream date, or stickers, or ipad time, you know what your kids like best and it usually helps to get those big smiles when we talk about things that they love!
On the day of the session, try to get a nap in and make sure they eat right before the session. Sleep and full bellies are always great. Also bringing a couple snacks and drinks in case they need a little break is always a good idea.
Sometimes things don’t always go according to plan, but there is no need to stress over it. If they decide not to take a nap that day, or wake up a little grumpy, it’s OK. We have lots of experience with kids, and have kids ourselves. At the end of the day the session is all about creating the best experience for our clients. We just want you to come ready to relax, have fun, and make wonderful memories.

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