Growing the Family – Doane’s are Adopting… again!

We truly enjoyed spending a chilly fall afternoon with the Doane family. They are excited to open their home and hearts to adopt again. Rebecca and Mark have loved Ellie since she was four weeks old, and now they are praying to grow their family by another two little feet. We have never been through the process of adoption ourselves, but we know it is a long and tough one. Waiting can’t be easy, but we can tell you are already so in love with the sweet child that you will bless by becoming their parents. Thank you for sharing your story with us. We are praying for your exciting new journey that lies ahead. Ellie is the sweetest and is quite the little model with a big personality that made us all smile. We would be thrilled to someday meet the sweet little bundle of joy that will hopefully be joining your family very soon!
Here are just a few of our favorite moments together!

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