Trendy Studio Maternity Photo shoot
Fiedler Maternity

We are so excited to capture these precious moments while baby Griffin is growing these last few weeks!
Jenna and Sam you two are in for such a wonderful adventure. I can still remember the first time we were getting ready to go to the hospital to have our sweet Peyton Girl.
I was so prepared. I had everything packed for weeks in advance. We had the matching outfit and robe, we had adorable little going home outfits, we had pillows (because let’s be real, hospital pillows are always flat), we had all the swaddle blankets, I mean we were prepared. Until I woke Ty up at 10pm while he was sick to say it was time.
We’re getting everything in the car, and we lived way out in the country and it was a pitch black night. We start to back up and hit a weird bump…. in our own driveway. When Ty gets out to see what it is… it is the breast pump (internal crying). It had a black bag so when it fell out of the car we didn’t notice since it was so dark. We went to the hospital and by the next morning we got to meet our perfect little Peyton. With our sweet girl in our arms, the little bumps didn’t matter (even literally running over the breast pump).
Our prayer for you is that you two get to cherish each moment in your journey of becoming parents. This has truly been one of the best journeys of our life. Griffin is such a lucky boy! You will feel more love than you even know is possible! I remember thinking it sounded so crazy at the time but the years really do fly by because Griffin will learn and grow every single day!
Thank you so much for sharing these special moments with us! Almost time to get packed! He could decide to make his debut any day now!
Kels and Ty

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